Song 038 – Turners

By January 23, 2018Songs

This song was not used as music for a psalm. Andrea was called as the Young Women’s President shortly after she arrived in Houston. By April we were looking for things to do to help the Young Women, and so we had a joint Young Women/Young Men Campout with a bunch of parents as chaperones. We did the campout at our artist friends house, Ken and Nell Turner, in New Ulm, Texas. The girls slept in the house, and the boys slept in tents outside. The tune came from a bird song I heard. These are always the hardest songs for me to reconstruct years after the event. We stopped at an Antique Fair. We introduced everyone to Ken Turner’s art, Nell Turner’s herb garden, and their roses. With this song it is a little harder to reconstruct the events of the campout, compared to some of the ballads written for other scout campouts.

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